Creature Comforts Pet Care
I come. I sit. I stay.

Services/Rates (NEW rates effective 1/1/25)

I prefer to keep keys on file, at my home in a fire proof lockbox that only I know the code to. If you require I still pick up/drop off keys, there is a fee of $15 per trip. PLEASE HAVE A COPY OF YOUR HOUSE KEY ready for me at the initial consult.
I accept payment via my Pocketsuite app,which will text you a detailed invoice, and you can pay online. I also accept Zelle, and PayPal.
Transportation fees
A $25 transportation fee may apply for trips to groomer, veterinarian visits, etc. Extra fees may apply for trips outside our local area.
0-48 hours prior to service and/or holidays: NO REFUND
2-7 days prior to service: 20% of service total due (80% refund)
8 days prior to service or more: No Charge, refund in full
Holidays (Starting January 1, 2014)
*Clients will be charged $10.00 extra per visit in addition to their quoted price for the following holidays: MLK Jr. Day,Easter, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. Holiday cancellation requires a seven-day notice. Overnight sits on major holidays carry a $30 holiday fee per night.